# Ludum Dare 43 ## Getting Started ### Prerequisites Must have [Java](http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk10-downloads-4416644.html) installed. I know it works with Java 8 and above. Graphics driver must have support for OpenGL 3.3 Core or later ### What's this all about? This project is my game for Ludum Dare 43. If you don't know what [Ludum Dare](https://ldjam.com/about) is and you're into making games then definitely check it out [here](https://ldjam.com/about). ### So what's the game? You play as a Abraham and you must sacrifice as many rams and babies as you can before you die. ### Can I play it? Of course! Here's how: Click [here](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ayQ1LG34oj0QPHYh2H4Rlx5nJaYssU9i) to download the game. Once you've downloaded it extract the zip file and run the jar file. In addition I didn't add a help menu due to time being a bit limited so go [here](https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/43/abaraham) if you want help. Of course you can always download the source and compile it yourself. You are going to need [LWJGL 3](https://www.lwjgl.org/download). Make sure to include JOML under **Addons**