var storyline = storyline || {}; storyline.access = (path) => { path = path.split('.'); let obj = storyline; for (const sub of path) { obj = obj[sub]; } return obj; } let widthDummy = null; function fitToText(element) { let elementStyle = window.getComputedStyle(element); = elementStyle.getPropertyValue('font-size'); = elementStyle.getPropertyValue('font-family'); widthDummy.textContent = '|'; let pipeWidth = widthDummy.clientWidth; widthDummy.textContent = '|' + element.value + '|'; = widthDummy.clientWidth - 2 * pipeWidth + "px"; } /* */ function moveCursorToEnd(el) { if (typeof el.selectionStart == "number") { el.selectionStart = el.selectionEnd = el.value.length; } else if (typeof el.createTextRange != "undefined") { el.focus(); var range = el.createTextRange(); range.collapse(false);; } } function sleep(millis) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, millis)); } let promptDiv = null; let responses = []; let currentId = 0; function reset(id) { if (id === currentId) { promptDiv.textContent = ""; } } function append(id, c) { if (id === currentId) { promptDiv.textContent += c; } } async function promptUser(module) { const MIN_SLEEP = 25; const MAX_SLEEP = 50; const SPACE_SCALAR = 1.1; const localId = ++currentId; module = storyline.access(module); for (const p of module.prompts) { responses = p.responses; reset(localId); for (let i = 0; i < p.text.length; ++i) { let c = p.text.charAt(i); append(localId, c); if (c === ' ') { await sleep((Math.random() * (MAX_SLEEP - MIN_SLEEP) + MIN_SLEEP) * SPACE_SCALAR); } else { await sleep((Math.random() * (MAX_SLEEP - MIN_SLEEP) + MIN_SLEEP)); } } await sleep(p.wait); } if (localId === currentId && module.continuation) { promptUser(module.continuation); } } window.addEventListener("load", () => { widthDummy = document.querySelector("#width_dummy"); promptDiv = document.querySelector("#prompt"); let userConsole = document.querySelector("#console"); let underCursor = document.querySelector("#under_cursor"); userConsole.addEventListener("input", (event) => { fitToText(userConsole); }); userConsole.addEventListener("keyup", (event) => { if (event.keyCode === 37) { moveCursorToEnd(userConsole); } else if (event.keyCode === 13) { const entry = userConsole.value; let matched = false; for (const responseOption of responses) { if (responseOption.matches(entry)) { matched = true; promptUser(; break; } } if (matched) { userConsole.value = ""; fitToText(userConsole); } } }); userConsole.addEventListener("click", (event) => { moveCursorToEnd(userConsole); }); let timerId = 0; let state = 0; userConsole.addEventListener("focusin", (event) => { moveCursorToEnd(userConsole); timerId = window.setInterval((e) => { if (state === 0) { = "visible"; state = 1; } else { = "hidden"; state = 0; } }, 500); }); userConsole.addEventListener("focusout", (event) => { state = 0; window.clearInterval(timerId); = "hidden"; }); fitToText(userConsole); userConsole.focus(); let entrySpace = document.querySelector("#entry_space"); entrySpace.addEventListener("click", (event) => { userConsole.focus(); }); promptUser('welcome'); }); function Regex(regex) { return text => regex.test(text); } storyline.common = {}; storyline.common.yes = Regex(/^(y(y*e+s+)?)|(sure)$/i); = Regex(/^n(n*o+)?$/i); storyline.common.any = text => true; storyline.welcome = { prompts: [ { text: "Welcome!", wait: 1000, responses: [] }, ], continuation: 'begin', }; storyline.begin = { prompts: [ { text: "Would you like to begin?", wait: 0, responses: [ { matches: storyline.common.yes, target: 'repeat', }, { matches:, target: '', }, { matches: storyline.common.any, target: 'begin.unclear', }, ]}, ], }; = { prompts: [ { text: "As you wish. Whenever you're ready, hit enter and we will begin.", wait: 3000, responses: [ { matches: storyline.common.any, target: 'repeat' }, ]}, ], }; storyline.begin.unclear = { prompts: [ { text: "My apologies, I am unable to parse the textual data you passed forth. I invite you to please try again.", wait: 3000, }, ], continuation: 'begin', }; storyline.repeat = { prompts: [ { text: "Pete and repeat went out on a boat. Pete fell off. Who was left?", wait: 2000, responses: [ { matches: Regex(/r[e3]p[3e][a4]t/i), target: 'repeat', }, { matches: Regex(/.*n[o0]t.*p[e3]t[e3].*/i), target: 'repeat.unsmort', }, { matches: storyline.common.any, target: 'repeat.wat', }, ]}, ], }; storyline.repeat.unsmort = { prompts: [ { text: "Ah! A self proclaimed intellectual I see. Listen here, I'm gonna ask you again and I want a NAME this time! Thank you in advance.", wait: 4000, responses: [], }, ], continuation: 'repeat', }; storyline.repeat.wat = { prompts: [ { text: "I do apologize but that is not the correct answer. I do hope this hasn't discouraged you and you will try again though!", wait: 3500, responses: [], }, ], continuation: 'repeat', };