Minimum viable product

This commit is contained in:
Gnarwhal 2019-07-26 15:00:52 -07:00
parent 372276060c
commit af69bc83bb
Signed by: Gnarwhal
GPG key ID: 0989A73D8C421174

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@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
use std::{thread, time};
use std::io::{self, stdin, Write};
use rand::Rng;
@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ So! Without further ado let's get this show on the road!
Err(_) => {
println!("Hmm an interesting proposition! Unfortunately I don't know how to handle negative depths at this time!");
println!("That's quite the depth you got there! I'm not sure how to handle it!");
@ -284,23 +285,59 @@ fn parse_bool(value: &str) -> Result<bool, &'static str> {
enum Direction {
fn run_game(params: &Parameters) {
let mut active_layer: u32 = 0;
let mut active_branch: u32 = 0;
let mut active_player = false;
let tree = generate_tree(params.depth, params.parity);
type Input = fn() -> str;
//let player_one = user_input;
//let player_two = if params.singleplayer { computer_input } else { user_input };
//loop {
println!("Let the game begin!
Player one you are trying to {player_one_goal} the value. Player two you are trying to {player_two_goal} the value.",
Player 1 you are trying to {player_one_goal} the value. Player 2 you are trying to {player_two_goal} the value.",
player_one_goal = if params.parity { "maximize" } else { "minimize" },
player_two_goal = if params.parity { "minimize" } else { "maximize" });
loop {
print_tree(&tree, active_layer, active_branch);
if active_layer as usize == tree.len() - 1 {
println!("And that's the game! Your final result is: {}\n", tree[active_layer as usize][active_branch as usize]);
else {
print!("Player {} you're up! Which direction would you like to go, left or right?\nDirection: ",
if active_player { 2 }
else { 1 }
if let Err(err) = io::stdout().flush() {
panic!("{}", err);
let dir =
if !params.singleplayer || !active_player {
else {
computer_input(active_layer, active_branch, &tree, params.parity)
match dir {
Direction::Left => {
active_branch = active_branch * 2;
Direction::Right => {
active_branch = active_branch * 2 + 1;
active_layer += 1;
active_player = !active_player;
fn generate_tree(depth: u32, parity: bool) -> Vec<Vec<i32>> {
@ -345,6 +382,112 @@ fn expand_tree(tree: &mut Vec<Vec<i32>>, parity: bool) {
expand_tree(tree, !parity);
fn print_tree(tree: &Vec<Vec<i32>>) {
println!("{:?}", tree);
fn user_input() -> Direction {
let mut input = String::new();
.read_line(&mut input)
.expect("Oh dear! It appears that input was invalid!");
match input.trim().as_ref() {
"left" => Direction::Left,
"right" => Direction::Right,
_ => {
print!("Please choose either left or right.\nDirection: ");
if let Err(err) = io::stdout().flush() {
panic!("{}", err);
fn computer_input(active_layer: u32, active_branch: u32, tree: &Vec<Vec<i32>>, parity: bool) -> Direction {
const BASE_DURATION: u32 = 150;
const VARIATION: u32 = 50;
let left_value = tree[(active_layer + 1) as usize][(active_branch * 2 ) as usize];
let right_value = tree[(active_layer + 1) as usize][(active_branch * 2 + 1) as usize];
let direction =
if left_value < right_value && parity {
else {
let sleep_duration = time::Duration::from_millis(500);
for c in match direction {
Direction::Left => "left",
Direction::Right => "right",
}.chars() {
print!("{}", c);
if let Err(err) = io::stdout().flush() {
panic!("{}", err);
let sleep_duration = time::Duration::from_millis((BASE_DURATION + rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0, VARIATION)) as u64);
fn print_tree(tree: &Vec<Vec<i32>>, active_layer: u32, active_branch: u32) {
let mut layer_number = 0;
if tree.len() > 1 {
let mut schematics: Vec<(u32, u32)> = vec![(1, 5)];
for _i in 0..(tree.len() - 2) {
let (offset, length) = schematics[0];
schematics.insert(0, (offset + length / 2 + 1, length * 2 + 1));
let mut branch_count = 1;
for (i, scheme) in schematics.iter().enumerate() {
let (offset, length) = scheme;
let mut output = String::new();
let mut vertical = String::new();
for _j in 0..*offset {
output.push(' ');
vertical.push(' ');
for j in 0..branch_count {
for k in 0..*length {
if k == length / 2 {
if i as u32 == active_layer && j == active_branch {
else {
vertical.push(' ');
else {
vertical.push(' ');
if j < branch_count - 1 {
for _k in 0..*length {
output.push(' ');
vertical.push(' ');
println!("{}:{} {}\n {}", i, if layer_number == active_layer { ">" } else { " " }, output, vertical);
branch_count *= 2;
layer_number += 1;
print!("{}:{} ", layer_number, if layer_number == active_layer { ">" } else { " " });
for leaf in &tree[layer_number as usize] {
print!("{} ", leaf);
if let Err(err) = io::stdout().flush() {
panic!("{}", err);