-`dict` - A dictionary that maps each type the plugin is, to the flags or arguments that activate the plugin for that type
All arguments specified in `activate` must be provided by the user for the plugin to activate.
#### `config`
This optional parameter specifies configuration options for the plugin. These values are what a user is allowed to change
through `config.toml`. It is a map containing `{ option: default_value, ... }`. If there is no default value (i.e. it is mandatory
that the user set it explicitly) for the option, it can be set to `NoDefault` provided by
`from sshare.plugin.config import NoDefault`.
While `config` is initially specified as a `dict`, when the plugin is loaded it will be converted to an object with attributes.
For example, if a config is specified as
config = {
"example0": 42,
it would then be accessed by `config.example` not `config["example"]`.
#### `args`
This optional parameter specifies arguments for the plugin. These values are also accessed from the `config` object,
however they are provided via program arguments as opposed to being specified in `config.toml`. An option specified
in both `config` and `args` will be loaded from the config file first and overriden by the program argument if
provided. Arguments are of type `Argument` provided by `from sshare.plugin.config import Argument`.
`Argument` takes `name` (optionally) and a list of `kwargs` equivalent to the option document [here](https://docs.python.org/3/library/argparse.html#argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument). As a convenience there is also `Flag` provided by
`from sshare.plugin.config import Flag`, which is for boolean arguments which take no parameters.
`Flag` only takes a `help=...` paramater.
#### `init`
If a plugin needs to do any initialisation, it can be done in the `init` method. The `init` method takes no parameters
and returns no values.
#### `logger`
Logger is not specified by the plugin developer, but is available inside the plugin if needed. The logger
has three levels: `info`, `warn` and `error`.
### Type Specific Attributes
#### `logger`
#### `source` -> `get_source()`
The `get_source` function takes no arguments and returns a source. There are currently two types of sources provided by
`from sshare.plugin.source import (Raw | File)`.
-`Raw` - A raw data source. It has a type, a source name, and a byte array providing the data.
-`File` - A file or directory source. It has only the path to the file.
#### `name` -> `get_name(current_name, source)`
`name` plugins are chained one after the other. The first `name` plugin is provided an empty string for `current_name`.
Each subsequent `name` plugin is provided the output of the previous `name` plugin's `get_name` function. The `source`
parameter is the either `Raw` or `File` data source.
#### `upload` -> `upload(name, source)`
`upload` plugins are responsible for getting the source to the destination.
#### `location` -> `get_location(name)`
The `get_location` function takes in the name of a source and returns a location that the source can now be accessed from
(e.g. a URL).
#### `feedback` -> `give_feedback(location)`
The `give_feedback` function takes output from `location` plugins and presents it to the user (e.g. printing to console,