package config import ( "os" "path" "" "" "" "" ) var ALWAYS_BLACKLISTED_PATHS = []string{ "/.well-known/acme-challenge/", } func NewDefaultConfig() Config { config := Config{} if err := defaults.Set(&config); err != nil { panic(err) } // defaults does not support setting arrays from strings config.Server.PagesBranches = []string{"main", "master", "pages"} return config } func ReadConfig(ctx *cli.Context) (*Config, error) { config := NewDefaultConfig() // if config is not given as argument return empty config if !ctx.IsSet("config-file") { return &config, nil } configFile := path.Clean(ctx.String("config-file")) log.Debug().Str("config-file", configFile).Msg("reading config file") content, err := os.ReadFile(configFile) if err != nil { return nil, err } err = toml.Unmarshal(content, &config) return &config, err } func MergeConfig(ctx *cli.Context, config *Config) { if ctx.IsSet("log-level") { config.LogLevel = ctx.String("log-level") } mergeServerConfig(ctx, &config.Server) mergeGiteaConfig(ctx, &config.Gitea) mergeDatabaseConfig(ctx, &config.Database) mergeACMEConfig(ctx, &config.ACME) if ctx.IsSet("redis-url") { config.RedisURL = ctx.String("redis-url") } } func mergeServerConfig(ctx *cli.Context, config *ServerConfig) { if ctx.IsSet("host") { config.Host = ctx.String("host") } if ctx.IsSet("port") { config.Port = uint16(ctx.Uint("port")) } if ctx.IsSet("http-port") { config.HttpPort = uint16(ctx.Uint("http-port")) } if ctx.IsSet("enable-http-server") { config.HttpServerEnabled = ctx.Bool("enable-http-server") } if ctx.IsSet("pages-domain") { config.MainDomain = ctx.String("pages-domain") } if ctx.IsSet("raw-domain") { config.RawDomain = ctx.String("raw-domain") } if ctx.IsSet("pages-branch") { config.PagesBranches = ctx.StringSlice("pages-branch") } if ctx.IsSet("allowed-cors-domains") { config.AllowedCorsDomains = ctx.StringSlice("allowed-cors-domains") } if ctx.IsSet("blacklisted-paths") { config.BlacklistedPaths = ctx.StringSlice("blacklisted-paths") } // add the paths that should always be blacklisted config.BlacklistedPaths = append(config.BlacklistedPaths, ALWAYS_BLACKLISTED_PATHS...) } func mergeGiteaConfig(ctx *cli.Context, config *GiteaConfig) { if ctx.IsSet("gitea-root") { config.Root = ctx.String("gitea-root") } if ctx.IsSet("gitea-api-token") { config.Token = ctx.String("gitea-api-token") } if ctx.IsSet("enable-lfs-support") { config.LFSEnabled = ctx.Bool("enable-lfs-support") } if ctx.IsSet("enable-symlink-support") { config.FollowSymlinks = ctx.Bool("enable-symlink-support") } if ctx.IsSet("default-mime-type") { config.DefaultMimeType = ctx.String("default-mime-type") } if ctx.IsSet("forbidden-mime-types") { config.ForbiddenMimeTypes = ctx.StringSlice("forbidden-mime-types") } } func mergeDatabaseConfig(ctx *cli.Context, config *DatabaseConfig) { if ctx.IsSet("db-type") { config.Type = ctx.String("db-type") } if ctx.IsSet("db-conn") { config.Conn = ctx.String("db-conn") } } func mergeACMEConfig(ctx *cli.Context, config *ACMEConfig) { if ctx.IsSet("acme-email") { config.Email = ctx.String("acme-email") } if ctx.IsSet("acme-api-endpoint") { config.APIEndpoint = ctx.String("acme-api-endpoint") } if ctx.IsSet("acme-accept-terms") { config.AcceptTerms = ctx.Bool("acme-accept-terms") } if ctx.IsSet("acme-use-rate-limits") { config.UseRateLimits = ctx.Bool("acme-use-rate-limits") } if ctx.IsSet("acme-eab-hmac") { config.EAB_HMAC = ctx.String("acme-eab-hmac") } if ctx.IsSet("acme-eab-kid") { config.EAB_KID = ctx.String("acme-eab-kid") } if ctx.IsSet("dns-provider") { config.DNSProvider = ctx.String("dns-provider") } if ctx.IsSet("no-dns-01") { config.NoDNS01 = ctx.Bool("no-dns-01") } if ctx.IsSet("acme-account-config") { config.AccountConfigFile = ctx.String("acme-account-config") } }