2022-11-12 14:10:04 +01:00

84 lines
2.9 KiB

package server
import (
// tryUpstream forwards the target request to the Gitea API, and shows an error page on failure.
func tryUpstream(ctx *context.Context, giteaClient *gitea.Client,
mainDomainSuffix, trimmedHost string,
targetOptions *upstream.Options,
targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, targetPath string,
canonicalDomainCache cache.SetGetKey,
) {
// check if a canonical domain exists on a request on MainDomain
if strings.HasSuffix(trimmedHost, mainDomainSuffix) {
canonicalDomain, _ := upstream.CheckCanonicalDomain(giteaClient, targetOwner, targetRepo, targetBranch, "", string(mainDomainSuffix), canonicalDomainCache)
if !strings.HasSuffix(strings.SplitN(canonicalDomain, "/", 2)[0], string(mainDomainSuffix)) {
canonicalPath := ctx.Req.RequestURI
if targetRepo != "pages" {
path := strings.SplitN(canonicalPath, "/", 3)
if len(path) >= 3 {
canonicalPath = "/" + path[2]
ctx.Redirect("https://"+canonicalDomain+canonicalPath, http.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
targetOptions.TargetOwner = targetOwner
targetOptions.TargetRepo = targetRepo
targetOptions.TargetBranch = targetBranch
targetOptions.TargetPath = targetPath
targetOptions.Host = string(trimmedHost)
// Try to request the file from the Gitea API
if !targetOptions.Upstream(ctx, giteaClient) {
html.ReturnErrorPage(ctx, "", ctx.StatusCode)
// tryBranch checks if a branch exists and populates the target variables. If canonicalLink is non-empty,
// it will also disallow search indexing and add a Link header to the canonical URL.
func tryBranch(log zerolog.Logger, ctx *context.Context, giteaClient *gitea.Client,
repoOwner, repoName, branch, path string, canonicalLink bool,
) (*gitea.BranchTimestamp, bool) {
if repoName == "" {
log.Debug().Msg("tryBranch: repo is empty")
return nil, false
// Replace "~" to "/" so we can access branch that contains slash character
// Branch name cannot contain "~" so doing this is okay
branch = strings.ReplaceAll(branch, "~", "/")
// Check if the branch exists, otherwise treat it as a file path
branchTimestampResult := upstream.GetBranchTimestamp(giteaClient, repoOwner, repoName, branch)
if branchTimestampResult == nil {
log.Debug().Msg("tryBranch: branch doesn't exist")
return nil, false
if canonicalLink {
// Hide from search machines & add canonical link
ctx.RespWriter.Header().Set("X-Robots-Tag", "noarchive, noindex")
giteaClient.ContentWebLink(repoOwner, repoName, branchTimestampResult.Branch, path)+
"; rel=\"canonical\"")
log.Debug().Msg("tryBranch: true")
return branchTimestampResult, true